Trent community action
Message from David Walden, Secretary, Trent Memorial Hall
Dear Trent resident
After talking to David Bond, the Rector, I am writing to local members of the 100 Club plus a few others to explain some arrangements which have been set up in the light of Coronavirus.
For people who are or might be self-isolating themselves because of the virus and who require help with shopping, obtaining medication, etc, there are now two Trent avenues of help:
- A Trent Facebook group has been set up which people needing help (or willing to offer it) can join. It is called Trent and surrounding areas COVID 19 offers of or requests for help. Just search for that term on Facebook and join the group to post your offer of, or request for, assistance.
- Alternatively, David Bond and Emma Morris from Over Compton have been leafleting houses in Trent and beyond offering help to anyone who is self-isolating. Emma is involved in something called Sherborneviralkindness, which is part of a wider network. If you would like to offer help to that group, please email Emma at
Finally, if you know of a neighbour who is not on the internet or email, perhaps you could check if they need any help?
Thanks for reading this and please try to keep well.
Kind regards.
David Walden
Trent Memorial HAll